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Name field cannot be empty!
Surname field cannot be empty!
Email field cannot be empty!Invalid e-mail address!
This email address is already registered.
If you forgot your password, you can get a new password with "I forgot my password".
Email Repeat field cannot be empty!Email addresses don't match!
Gsm alanı boş olamaz!Gsm no 10 haneli olmalı!

Güçlü bir şifre için, en az 5 karakter, 1 büyük harf, 1 küçük harf, noktalama işareti veya özel karakter kullanılmalıdır
Password field cannot be empty!Password must be at least 4 characters long!Şifre gücü çok zayıf!
The Repeat Password field cannot be empty!Passwords do not match!

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